About Xiaoyang
Professor Long’s research focuses on behavioral operations and sustainable supply chains. She combines mathematical models with empirical methods to study decision-making of individuals and firms in operational settings. Her recent projects investigate how customer behavior interacts with emerging operational processes (e.g., fast fashion, e-commerce) to inform firms’ supply chain and sustainability policies. She also studies equity and efficiency issues in people operations. Professor Long’s research has appeared in top journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management. She is currently serving as president of the INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Section.
Professor Long has received numerous awards for her research and teaching. These include the Best Operations Management Paper in Management Science (2024), the INFORMS BOM Best Working Paper Award (2016, 2024), and Finalist in the Best M&SOM Paper Award (2024). She also received the Erwin A. Gaumnitz Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award (2020) and the Erwin A. Gaumnitz Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award (2021) at UW-Madison.
Professor Long teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Operations Management, Sourcing, and Supply Chain Strategy. She received her Ph.D. in Operations Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and also holds a B.A. in Physics from Princeton University.
Selected Accepted Journal Articles
Long, X. & Sun, J. & Dai, H. & Zhang, D. (2024). The Choice Overload Effect in Online Recommender Systems Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Selected Published Journal Articles
Long, X. & Gui, L. (2024). Waste not want not? The environmental implications of quick response and upcycling Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Long, X. & Wu, Y. (2024). Newsvendor competition with endogenous biases Production and Operations Management
Davis, A. & Flicker, B. & Hyndman, K. & Katok, E. & Keppler, S. & Leider, S. & Long, X. & Tong, J. (2023). A Replication Study of Operations Management Experiments in Management Science Management Science
Long, X. & Nasiry, J. (2022). Sustainability in the Fast Fashion Industry Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
DeCroix, G. & Long, X. & Tong, J. (2021). How service quality variability hurts revenue when customers learn: Implications for dynamic personalized pricing Operations Research
Long, X. & Nasiry, J. (2020). Wage Transparency and Social Comparison in Salesforce Compensation Management Science
Long, X. & Nasiry, J. & Wu, Y. (2020). A Behavioral Study of Abandonment Decisions in Multi-Stage Projects Management Science
Ha, A. & Long, X. & Nasiry, J. (2016). Quality in Supply Chain Encroachment Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Long, X. & Nasiry, J. (2015). Prospect Theory Explains Newsvendor Behavior: the Role of Reference Points Management Science