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Brian Mayhew

Brian W Mayhew

Associate Dean for Online Innovation | Wisconsin School of Business
Executive Director of the Arthur Andersen Center for Financial Reporting and Control
Arthur Andersen Alumni Professor
4333 Grainger Hall

In the News

About Brian

Brian W. Mayhew is the Arthur Andersen Alumni Professor in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems at the Wisconsin School of Business. He currently also serves as the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs in WSB.

Mayhew's research focuses primarily on financial statement audits and financial reporting. His research uses both experimental economics and archival data to develop and test theories related to auditing and financial reporting. He is particularly interested in institutional design factors that impact audit quality. Research topics include: audit quality, auditor independence, related party transactions, auditor industry specialization, audit market concentration, and ethics. He teaches Advanced Auditing to Master's of Accounting Students and research to Ph.D. students.

Mayhew has published in journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Auditing. He has served as an associate editor for Accounting Horizons and the Journal of Accounting Literature and serves on the editorial boards for Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, and The Accounting Review.

Mayhew was the inaugural director of the BRITE Lab – a joint venture between WSB and the School of Human Ecology. The lab focuses on experimental research that explores how incentives, psychology and sociology interact to affect individual decision making. The lab also fosters cross campus interactions with a wide range of social science departments. He currently leads the Arthur Andersen Center which supports research and student development in the accounting department.

He joined the Wisconsin School of Business in 1999 after working as an assistant professor at Georgia State University. He previously worked as an auditor with Coopers & Lybrand, which became PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

He received his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in accounting, with a minor in experimental economics. He received his BBA in accounting from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Kohlbeck, M. & Seung (Grace) Lee, H. & Mayhew, B. & Salas, J. (2023). Do related party transactions affect family firm valuations? Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

Bhandari, A. & Kohlbeck, M. & Mayhew, B. (2022). Association of related party transactions with sensitivity of investments and external financing Journal of Corporate Finance

Hurley, P. & Mayhew, B. & Obermire, K. & Tegeler, A. (2021). The Impact of Risk and the Potential for Loss on Managers’ Demand for Audit Quality Contemporary Accounting Research

Hurley, P. & Mayhew, B. (2019). Market Reactions to a High-Quality Auditor and Managerial Preference for Audit Quality Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory

Dunn, K. & Kohlbeck, M. & Mayhew, B. (2019). The Impact of Market Inequality on Audit Price Managerial Auditing Journal

Kogan, A. & Mayhew, B. & Vasarhelyi, M. (2019). Audit Data Analytics Research – An Application of Design Science Methodology Accounting Horizons

Hurley, P. & Mayhew, B. & Obermire, K. (2019). Realigning Auditors’ Accountability: Experimental Evidence The Accounting Review

Kowaleski, Z. & Mayhew, B. & Tegeler, A. (2018). The Impact of Consulting Services on Audit Quality: An Experimental Approach Journal of Accounting Research

Kohlbeck, M. & Mayhew, B. (2017). Are Related Party Transactions Red Flags? Contemporary Accounting Research

Mayhew, B. (2017). Introduction and Commentary on Ratification Research Forum Accounting Horizons

Keune, M. & Mayhew, B. & Schmidt, J. (2016). Non-Big 4 Local Market Leadership and its Effect on Competition The Accounting Review

Mayhew, B. & Murphy, P. (2014). The Impact of Authority on Reporting Behavior, Affect and Rationalization Contemporary Accounting Research

Mayhew, B. & Vitalis, A. (2014). Myopic Loss Aversion and Market Experience Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Dunn, K. & Kohlbeck, M. & Mayhew, B. (2011). The Impact of Big4 Consolidation on Audit Market Share Equality Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory

Kohlbeck, M. & Mayhew, B. (2010). Valuation of Firms that Disclose Related Party Transactions Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

Magilke, M. & Mayhew, B. & Pike, J. (2009). Are Independent Audit Committee Members Objective? The Accounting Review

Mayhew, B. & Murphy, P. (2009). The Impact of Ethics Education on Reporting Behavior Journal of Business Ethics

Kohlbeck, M. & Mayhew, B. & Murphy, P. & Wilkins, M. (2008). Competition for Andersen’s Clients Contemporary Accounting Research

Mutzako, S. & Zehms, K. & Mayhew, B. & Rittenberg, L. (2004). Does Audit Firm Liability Status Affect IPO Pricing? Evidence from the Shift to Limited Liability Partnerships Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory

Skaife, H. & LaFond, R. & Mayhew, B. (2003). Do Nonaudit Fees Impact Auditor Independence? Further Evidence The Accounting Review

Mayhew, B. (2001). Auditor Reputation Building Journal of Accounting Research

Trotman, K. & Grambling, A. & Zehms, K. & Kaplan, S. & Mayhew, B. & Reimers, R. & Schwartz, H. & Wright, B. (2000). Twenty-five Years of Audit Research

Erickson, M. & Mayhew, B. & Felix, W. (2000). Why Do Audits Fail?: Evidence from Lincoln Savings and Loan. Journal of Accounting Research

Working Papers

Mayhew, B. & Kohlbeck, M. & Condie, E. (2018). Related Party Transaction Disclosures

Bellovary, J. & Mayhew, B. (2015). Self-Regulation: Experimental Evidence on Reputation and Peer Review


Florida State University (2019) The Impact of Risk and the Potential for Loss on Managers’ Demand for Audit Quality

University of Arizona (2019) The Impact of Risk and the Potential for Loss on Managers’ Demand for Audit Quality

Journal of Accounting Research Conference (2017) The Impact of Consulting Services on Audit Quality: An Experimental Approach

University of Tennesee (2014) Local Non-Big 4 Leadership and Its Effect on Competition

2014 Contemporary Accounting Research Conference (2014) Are Related Party Transactions Red Flags?

AAA Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) (2014) Are Related Party Transactions Red Flags?

Georgia Institute of Technology (2014) Exploring Market Reactions to a High-Quality Auditor and Managerial Preference for Audit Quality

AAA Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) (2013) Non-Big 4 Local Market Leadership and Its Impact on Big 4 Market Power

2013 AAA Auditing Mid-Year Meeting (2013) An Experimental-Market Exploration of High-Quality Auditors and Managerial Preference for Audit Quality

University of Pittsburgh Workshop (2011) Consequences of More Frequent Reporting

Internal Audit Association Midwest Meeting (2011) Strategy versus Audit Risk

University of Kentucky Workshop (2011) Consequences of More Frequent Reporting

Indiana University (2010) Self-Regulation: Experimental Evidence on Reputation and Peer Review

Undergraduate Courses

Audit and Assurance Services (AIS 630), Fall 2009.
Evolution of assurance services; role of assurance services as part of corporate governance; professional standards and ethical concepts; evidence concepts and evaluation of evidence, business and information technology risk analysis, the audit risk model, assurance reports, and development of audit and assurance programs.

Audit and Assurance Services (ACC 630), Fall 2008.
Evolution of assurance services; role of assurance services as part of corporate governance; professional standards and ethical concepts; evidence concepts and evaluation of evidence, business and information technology risk analysis, the audit risk model, assurance reports, and development of audit and assurance programs.

Pro Prac Iss-Acct & Auditng (AIS 601), Spring 2009.
Study of current accounting and audit issues within a case context. Students will be required to perform computerized research, analyze topical accounting and audit issues, and make case presentations. Intensive three week course to build on experiences developed during the internship program.

Pro Prac Iss-Acct & Auditng (AIS 601), Spring 2010. Download Syllabus
Study of current accounting and audit issues within a case context. Students will be required to perform computerized research, analyze topical accounting and audit issues, and make case presentations. Intensive three week course to build on experiences developed during the internship program.

Pro Prac Iss-Acct & Auditing (AIS 601), Spring 2008.

Pro Prac Iss-Acct & Auditng (ACCT 601), Spring 2008.
Study of current accounting and audit issues within a case context. Students will be required to perform computerized research, analyze topical accounting and audit issues, and make case presentations. Intensive three week course to build on experiences developed during the internship program.

Graduate Courses

Reading and Research – Accounting PhD (ACCT 999), Spring 2008.
Individual work suited to the needs of Ph.D. students may be arranged both during regular sessions and during the intersession periods.

Reading and Research – Accounting PhD (ACCT 999), Fall 2008.
Individual work suited to the needs of Ph.D. students may be arranged both during regular sessions and during the intersession periods.

Reading and Research – Accounting PhD (ACCT 999), Spring 2009.
Individual work suited to the needs of Ph.D. students may be arranged both during regular sessions and during the intersession periods.

Readng & Rsch-Accountng PhD (Independent Study) (ACCT 999), Spring 2015.

Readng & Rsch-Accountng PhD (Independent Study) (ACCT 999), Summer 2015.

Readng & Rsch-Accountng PhD (Independent Study) (ACCT 999), Fall 2015.

Readings & Research (ACCT 999), Fall 2009.
Individual work suited to the needs of Ph.D. students may be arranged both during regular sessions and during the intersession periods.

PhD Thesis-Accounting (Independent Study) (ACCT 990), Spring 2015.

Seminar in Accounting Research (AIS 971), Fall 2006.
Methods of inquiry and research methodology in accounting. Analysis of current research, with the emphasis on empirical research in accounting.

Smr-Accounting Research (AIS 971), Fall 2010.
This course introduces PHD students to accounting research. Specific coverage deals with research validity issues, the scientific process, scientific revolutions, as well as, discussion of research workshop papers presented throughout the semester. Students prepare paper critiques as well as a research proposal.

Smr- Accounting Research (AIS 971), Spring 2008.

Smr-Accounting Research (ACCT 971), Spring 2008.
Methods of inquiry and research methodology in accounting. Analysis of current research, with the emphasis on empirical research in accounting.

Seminar in Accounting Research (ACC 971), Spring 2003.
Methods of inquiry and research methodology in accounting. Analysis of current research, with the emphasis on empirical research in accounting.

Research Seminar – Experimental Economics (ACC 971), Spring 2006.
Methods of inquiry and research methodology in accounting. Analysis of current research, with the emphasis on empirical research in accounting.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2006.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2006.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2003.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2003.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2004.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2004.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2005.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Spring 2005.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Business Information Consulting (ACC 740), Fall 2001.
Addresses the knowledge base needed by accounting professionals in serving as consultants.

Hybrid Courses

Financial Reporting I (ACC/ACC 301/701), Fall 2001.
Examines current and emerging financial accounting theory and techniques used to measure and report financial information to investors, creditors, and other external users. Emphasizes asset and income determination, preparation and interpretation of financial statements, and related disclosure requirements.

Financial Reporting I (ACC/ACC 301/701), Spring 2004.
Examines current and emerging financial accounting theory and techniques used to measure and report financial information to investors, creditors, and other external users. Emphasizes asset and income determination, preparation and interpretation of financial statements, and related disclosure requirements.

Financial Reporting I (ACC/ACC 301/701), Spring 2005.
Examines current and emerging financial accounting theory and techniques used to measure and report financial information to investors, creditors, and other external users. Emphasizes asset and income determination, preparation and interpretation of financial statements, and related disclosure requirements.

Professional Organizations

American Accounting Association

AAA New Faculty Consortium

AAA New Faculty Consortium

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Accounting Horizons – June 2015 – June 2019
Associate Editor

Journal of Accounting Literature – Since September 2013
Associate Editor

The Accounting Review – Since July 2008
Editorial Board Member

Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory – Since January 2004
Editorial Board Member

Accounting Horizons – Since January 2004
Editorial Board Member

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