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Enno Siemsen

Enno Siemsen

Executive Director | Erdman Center for Operations and Technology
Patrick A. Thiele Distinguished Chair in Business
4291 Grainger Hall

About Enno

Enno Siemsen joined the Wisconsin School of Business in 2015, after spending 8 years on the faculty at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, and 3 years on the faculty at the College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his PhD in Operations Management at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He serves as the Associate Dean for MBA and Masters Programs, and teaches courses in Sales & Operations Planning as well as Project Management. His expertise is in the fields of predictive analytics, demand forecasting, sales & operations planning, operations and supply chain strategy, and project management.

His research currently focuses on the use of augmented reality in manufacturing, on quality inspections & improvement in pharmaceutical manufacturing, on model selection in predictive analytics and on human judgment in sales & operations planning processes. Siemsen has been published in leading outlets such as Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, Strategic Management Journal and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. His work has also been featured in the Harvard Business Review and the California Management Review. He is the author of ‘Demand Forecasting for Managers’, a recent book on forecasting and organizational decision making. He currently serves as a department editor for the Production and Operations Management Journal and the Decision Sciences Journal, and as an associate editor for the Journal of Operations Management and the Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Selected Accepted Journal Articles

Park, Y. & Lee, Y. & Siemsen, E. (2024). Two Heads are Better than One: Task Division and Decision Control in Inventory Planning Production and Operations Management

Selected Published Journal Articles

Petropoulos, F. & Grushka-Cockayne, Y. & Siemsen, E. & Spiliotis, E. (2024). Wielding Occam’s razor: Fast and frugal retail forecasting Journal of the Operational Research Society

Kent, P. & Siemsen, E. & Shao, X. (2024). The Impact of Co-location on Production Knowledge Transfer in Collectivist and Individualist Cultures International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Brau, R. & Aloysius, J. & Siemsen, E. (2023). Demand Planning for the Digital Supply Chain: How to Integrate Human Judgment and Predictive Analytics Journal of Operations Management

Kolassa, S. & Rostami-Tabar, B. & Siemsen, E. (2023). Demand Forecasting for Executives and Professionals

Arvan, M. & Fahimnia, B. & Tan, T. & Siemsen, E. (2023). A Hidden Anchor: The Influence of Service Levels on Demand Forecasts Journal of Operations Management

Siemsen, E. & Petropoulos, F. (2023). Forecast Selection and Representativeness Management Science

Wuttke, D. & Uphadyay, A. & Siemsen, E. & Wuttke-Linneman, A. (2022). Seeing the Bigger Picture? Ramping-Up Production with the Use of Augmented Reality Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Dhanorkar, S. & Siemsen, E. (2021). How Nudges Lead to Improved Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing: Evidence from Archival Data and a Field Study Production and Operations Management

Zhao, H. & Xu, L. & Siemsen, E. (2021). Inventory Sharing and Demand-Side Underweighting Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Fahimnia, B. & Mehrdokht, P. & Siemsen, E. & Bendoly, E. & Wang, C. (2019). Behavioral Operations and Supply Chain Management – A Review and Literature Mapping Decision Sciences

Arvan, M. & Fahimnia, B. & Reisi, M. & Siemsen, E. (2019). Integrating Human Judgement into Quantitative Forecasting Methods: A Review Omega

Zhang, Y. & Siemsen, E. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of Newsvendor Experiments: Revisiting the Pull-to-Center Asymmetry Production and Operations Management

Dhanokar, S. & Siemsen, E. & Linderman, K. (2018). Promoting Change from the Outside: Directing Managerial Attention in the Implementation of Environmental Improvements Management Science

Lee, Y. & Seo, Y. & Siemsen, E. (2018). Running Behavioral Operations Experiments using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Production and Operations Management

Petropoulos, F. & Korentzes, N. & Nikolopoulos, K. & Siemsen, E. (2018). Judgmental Selection of Forecasting Models Journal of Operations Management

Kent, P. & Siemsen, E. (2018). Production Process Moves: Template Use and the Need to Adapt Production and Operations Management

Wuttke, D. & Donohue, K. & Siemsen, E. (2018). Initiating Supplier New Product Development Projects: a Behavioral Investigation Production and Operations Management

Lee, Y. & Siemsen, E. (2017). Task Decomposition and Newsvendor Decision Making Management Science

Ball, G. & Siemsen, E. & Shah, R. (2017). Do Plant Inspections Predict Future Quality? The Role of Investigator Experience Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Ben-Ner, A. & Siemsen, E. (2017). Decentralization and Localization of Production: The Organizational and Economic Consequences of Additive Manufacturing California Management Review

Jones-Christensen, L. & Siemsen, E. & Branzei, O. & Viswanathan, M. (2017). Response pattern analysis: Assuring data integrity in extreme research settings Strategic Management Journal

Kor, Y. & Mahoney, J. & Siemsen, E. & Tan, D. (2016). Penrose’s The Theory of the Growth of the Firm: An Exemplar of Engaged Scholarship Production and Operations Management

Kremer, M. & Siemsen, E. & Thomas, D. (2016). The Sum and it’s Parts: Judgmental Hierarchical Forecasting Management Science

Gray, J. & Siemsen, E. & Vasudeva, G. (2015). Colocation Still Matters: Conformance Quality and the Interdependence of R&D and Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry Management Science

Seifert, M. & Eisingerich, A. & Hadida, A. & Siemsen, E. (2015). Effective Judgmental Forecasting in the Context of Fashion Products. Journal of Operations Management

Jones-Christensen, L. & Siemsen, E. & Balasubramanian, S. (2015). Consumer behavior change at the Base of the Pyramid: Bridging the gap between for-profit and social-responsibility strategies. Strategic Management Journal

Moritz, B. & Kremer, M. & Siemsen, E. (2014). Judgmental Forecasting: Cognitive Reflection and Decision Speed Production and Operations Management

Siemsen, E. & Schultz, K. & Siemsen, E. & Yeo, L. (2013). Behavioral operations: The state of the field Journal of Operations Management

Anand, G. & Gray, J. & Siemsen, E. (2012). Decay, Shock, and Renewal: Process Entropy and Quality Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry Organization Science

Siemsen, E. (2011). The usefulness of behavioral laboratory experiments Journal of Supply Chain Management

Kremer, M. & Moritz, B. & Siemsen, E. (2011). Demand Forecasting Behavior: System Neglect and Change Detection Management Science

Katok, E. & Siemsen, E. (2011). Why Genius Leads to Adversity: Experimental Evidence on the Reputational Effects of Task Difficulty Choices Management Science

Siemsen, E. & Roth, A. & Oliveira, P. (2009). Common Method Bias in Regression Models with Linear, Quadratic, and Interaction Effects. Organizational Research Methods

Siemsen, E. & Roth, A. & Balasubramanian, S. & Anand, G. (2009). The Influence of Psychological Safety and Confidence on Employee Knowledge Sharing Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Donohue, K. & Siemsen, E. (2009). Behavioral operations: Applications in supply chain management Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science

Siemsen, E. & Roth, A. & Balasubramanian, S. (2008). How Motivation, Opportunity and Ability Drive Knowledge Sharing: The Constraining Factor Model Journal of Operations Management

Siemsen, E. (2008). The Hidden Perils of Career Concerns in R&D Organizations Management Science

Siemsen, E. (2007). Incentives that Induce Task-Related Effort, Helping and Knowledge Sharing in Workgroups Management Science

Siemsen, E. & Bollen, K. (2007). LAD: An Alternative Estimator for Structural Equation Models Sociological Methods and Research

Working Papers

Arvan, M. & Fahimnia, B. & Siemsen, E. (2021). Guidance Effectiveness for Judgmental Demand Forecasting: A Laboratory Experiment

Undergraduate Courses

Project Management (OTM 365), Spring 2017.

Project Management (OTM 365), Fall 2017.

Project Management (OTM 365), Spring 2016.

Graduate Courses

Project Management (OTM 752), Fall 2019. Download Syllabus
During their careers, managers spend a significant amount of time either participating in or leading projects. While every project is unique, some concepts and tools in project management apply to a wide range of projects. The aim of this course is to equip students with these concepts and tools, and to develop them into successful project managers (and team members). With that aim in mind, the course will focus on broadly applicable concepts and methods and will cover both qualitative and quantitative aspects of project management. Key topics include Project Initiation, Scheduling, Resource Management, Monitoring, Valuation, Risk Management, Agile Project Management, Project Portfolio Management and Contracting. Enroll Info: None

Project Management (OTM 752), Fall 2019. Download Syllabus
During their careers, managers spend a significant amount of time either participating in or leading projects. While every project is unique, some concepts and tools in project management apply to a wide range of projects. The aim of this course is to equip students with these concepts and tools, and to develop them into successful project managers (and team members). With that aim in mind, the course will focus on broadly applicable concepts and methods and will cover both qualitative and quantitative aspects of project management. Key topics include Project Initiation, Scheduling, Resource Management, Monitoring, Valuation, Risk Management, Agile Project Management, Project Portfolio Management and Contracting. Enroll Info: None

Project Management (OTM 752), Fall 2019. Download Syllabus
During their careers, managers spend a significant amount of time either participating in or leading projects. While every project is unique, some concepts and tools in project management apply to a wide range of projects. The aim of this course is to equip students with these concepts and tools, and to develop them into successful project managers (and team members). With that aim in mind, the course will focus on broadly applicable concepts and methods and will cover both qualitative and quantitative aspects of project management. Key topics include Project Initiation, Scheduling, Resource Management, Monitoring, Valuation, Risk Management, Agile Project Management, Project Portfolio Management and Contracting. Enroll Info: None

Project Management (OTM 752), Fall 2018. Download Syllabus

Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications

Kolassa, S. & Siemsen, E. (2016). Demand Forecasting for Managers

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Naval Research Logistics – Since January 2019
Associate Editor

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management – January 2019 – December 2021
Associate Editor

Decision Sciences Journal – Since April 2017

Supply Chain Management Journal – Since January 2017
Associate Editor

Production and Operations Management – January 2013 – June 2019

Production and Operations Management – January 2011 – December 2013

Journal of Operations Management – January 2011 – December 2013
Special Issue Editor

Decision Sciences Journal – January 2010 – April 2017
Associate Editor

Production and Operations Management – Since January 2010

Journal of Operations Management – Since January 2010
Associate Editor

Management Science – January 2009 – December 2010
Associate Editor

Production and Operations Management – January 2007 – December 2013

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