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About Fazel

Fazel Hayati is a respected educator, a dedicated scholar, and a seasoned consultant. He has taught courses in Operations Management, Engineering Management, Quality and Productivity, and Statistical Process Control. He has also consulted with many organizations in manufacturing, service, healthcare, government, and education. He is a proponent and practitioner of Edwards Deming management philosophy and Walter Shewhart methods. His areas of research include quality and productivity as a business strategy, operations viewed as system understanding variation, application of statistical process control to manufacturing and service. He received his Doctorate in Industrial and Systems and Engineering from Auburn University, Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Science from Louisiana State University in Shreveport. He has published in the International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, Journal of Contemporary Business Issues, Journal of Safety Research, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and The Joint Commission Journal of Quality Improvement, New Medicine, Drug Benefits Trends. He has presented in numerous conferences.

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