About Jan
Heide’s research has been internationally recognized. In 1998, he won the Harold Maynard award from the Journal of Marketing, and an American Marketing Association study rated him the third most influential individual in the nation in terms of citations for marketing research. He is a three-time winner of the Louis W. Stern Award from the American Marketing Association.
Heide has won a University of Wisconsin system-wide Teaching Excellence award, and was named a Vilas Associate by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School.
Heide has been a guest lecturer at several different universities, including the University of Cambridge, the University of Melbourne, and the Norwegian School of Management.
His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, and the Journal of Law and Economics, among others.
He received his MBA and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his B.S. from the Norwegian School of Management. Prior to joining UW-Madison's Marketing Department, he was a faculty member at Case Western Reserve University.
Selected Published Journal Articles
Ghazimatin, E. & Mooi, E. & Heide, J. (2023). Business-to-Business Projects, Task Configuration, and Innovation Journal of Marketing Research
Heide, J. & Bell, S. & Tracey, P. (2023). Who We Are and How We Govern: The Effect of Identity Orientation on Governance Choice Journal of Marketing
Chmielewski-Raimondo, D. & Shamsollahi, A. & Bell, S. & Heide, J. (2022). When the Honeymoon is Over: A Theory of Relationship Liabilities and Evolutionary Processes Journal of Marketing
Ghazimatin, E. & Mooi, E. & Heide, J. (2021). Mobilizing the Temporary Organization: The Governance Roles of Selection and Pricing Journal of Marketing
Hadida, A. & Heide, J. & Bell, S. (2019). The Temporary Marketing Organization Journal of Marketing
Heide, J. & Wathne, K. & Mooi, E. & Kumar, A. (2018). Relationship Governance Dynamics: The Roles of Partner Selection Efforts and Mutual Investments Journal of Marketing Research
Vinhas, A. & Heide, J. (2015). Forms of Competition and Outcomes in Dual Distribution Channels: The Distributor’s Perspective Marketing Science
Tracey, P. & Heide, J. & Bell, S. (2014). Bringing ‘Place’ Back In: Regional Clusters, Project Governance, and New Product Outcomes Journal of Marketing
Heide, J. & Kumar, A. & Wathne, K. (2014). Concurrent Sourcing, Governance Mechanisms, and Performance Outcomes in Industrial Value Chains Strategic Management Journal
Lukas, B. & Whitwell, G. & Heide, J. (2013). Why Do Customers Get More Than They Need? How Organizational Culture Shapes Product Capability Decisions Journal of Marketing
Sa Vinhas, A. & Heide, J. & Jap, S. (2012). Consistency Judgments, Embeddedness, and Outcomes in Organizational Networks Management Science
Kumar, A. & Heide, J. & Wathne, K. (2011). Performance Implications of Mismatched Governance Regimes Across External and Internal Relationships Journal of Marketing
Bell, S. & Tracey, P. & Heide, J. (2009). The Organization of Regional Clusters Academy of Management Review
Heide, J. & Wathne, K. & Rokkan, A. (2007). Inter-Firm Monitoring, Social Contracts, and Relationship Outcomes Journal of Marketing Research
Heide, J. & Wathne, K. (2006). Friends, Businesspeople, and Relationship Roles: A Conceptual Framework and a Research Agenda Journal of Marketing
Heide, J. (2004). Relationship Governance in a Supply Chain Network Journal of Marketing
Invited seminar presentations (2022)
(2010) Invited seminar presentation
(2010) Invited seminar presentation
Graduate Courses
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2008.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2008.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2001.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2001.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2002.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2003.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2003.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2004.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2004.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2004.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Spring 2001.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2005.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2005.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2009.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2009.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2010.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2010.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2007.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2007.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Editorial and Reviewing Activities
Journal of Marketing Research – January 2016 – December 2016
Associate Editor
Marketing Science – January 2016 – December 2016
Associate Editor
Journal of Marketing – January 2016 – December 2016
Various journals – January 2016 – December 2016
Academy of Management Review, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Science, Journal of International Marketing, Academy of Marketing Science Review, Customer Needs and Solutions – Since January 2015
Editorial Board Member
Marketing Science – Since January 2015
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Marketing – Since January 2014
Associate Editor
Academy of Management Review – Since January 2014
Editorial Board Member
Customer Needs and Solutions – Since January 2013
Editorial Board Member
Journal of International Marketing – Since January 2013
Editorial Board Member
Academy of Marketing Science Review – Since January 2013
Editorial Board Member
Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Management Science – January 2012 – December 2013
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Managerial and Decision Economics, Review of Marketing – January 2010 – December 2010
Editorial Board Member
Various Ad Hoc Reviews – January 2010 – December 2010
Review of Marketing Research – Since January 2010
Editorial Board Member
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science – Since January 2009
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing – Since January 2000
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Retailing – Since January 2000
Editorial Board Member
Managerial and Decision Economics – January 1997 – December 2012
Editorial Board Member
WSB Stories
- Marketing Professor Jan Heide Wins Fourth Louis W. Stern Award - June 12, 2024
WSB Stories