About Joann
Broadly, her research delves into the psychology around consumer behavior. Professor Peck has a research focus on haptics (the sense of touch) including product touch and specifically the situations that either encourage or discourage touch by consumers. A recent paper examines vicarious touch or watching product touch in digital environments. She also has projects on interpersonal touch looking at both comfort with both initiating and receiving touch.
A second key interest of Professor Peck is studying psychological ownership or the feeling that something is MINE! and the effects on behavior. In a recent paper, she examines ways to increase the feeling of ownership which results in better care given to taking care of a shared resource.
Joann Peck’s research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Retailing, and the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science. Her work has been cited in Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Time.com, the Canadian Broadcast Company and others. Professor Peck teaches consumer behavior to PhD students, MBA students and undergraduates. She has also taught marketing strategy and marketing principles. Coming from a secondary math education background, Peck appreciates the art and science of both marketing and teaching.
Selected Published Journal Articles
Lu, Z. & Jung, S. & Peck, J. (2024). It Looks Like “Theirs”: When and Why Human Presence in the Photo Lowers Viewers’ Liking and Preference for an Experience Venue Journal of Consumer Research
Peck, J. & Krishna, A. & Luangrath, A. (2024). A Review of Touch Research in Consumer Psychology Journal of Consumer Psychology
Ringler, C. & Sirianni, N. & Peck, J. & Gustafsson, A. (2024). Does Your Demonstration Tell the Whole Story? How a Process Mindset and Social Presence Impact the Effectiveness of Product Demonstrations Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Jha, S. & Balaji, M. & Peck, J. (2023). Conveying Product Weight in Digital Media Using a Hand Image Journal of Retailing
Peck, J. & Luangrath, A. (2023). A Review and Future Avenues for Psychological Ownership in Consumer Research Consumer Psychology Review
Kirk, C. & Peck, J. & Sedikides, C. & Hart, C. (2022). Just My Luck: Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Differentially Predict Word of Mouth About Promotional Games Journal of Business Research
Polman, E. & Ruttan, R. & Peck, J. (2022). Using curiosity to incentivize the choice of “should” options Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Jung, W. & Peck, J. & Palmeira, M. & Kim, K. (2022). An Unintended Consequence of Product Upgrades: How Upgrades Can Make Current Customers Feel Left Behind Journal of Marketing Research
Cleroux, A. & Peck, J. & Friedman, O. (2022). Young Children Infer Psychological Ownership from Stewardship Developmental Psychology
Luangrath, A. & Peck, J. & Hedgcock, W. & Xu, Y. (2022). Observing Product Touch: The Vicarious Haptic Effect in Digital Marketing and Virtual Reality Journal of Marketing Research
Fritze, M. & Benkenstein, M. & Belk, R. & Peck, J. & Claus, B. & Wirtz, J. (2021). Commentaries on the Sharing Economy: Advancing New Perspectives Journal of Service Management Research
Peck, J. & Kirk, C. & Luangrath, A. & Shu, S. (2021). Caring for the Commons: Using Psychological Ownership to Enhance Stewardship Behavior for Public Goods Journal of Marketing
Luangrath, A. & Peck, J. & Gustafsson, A. (2020). Should I Touch the Customer? Rethinking Interpersonal Touch Effects from the Perspective of the Touch Initiator Journal of Consumer Research
Jha, S. & Balaji, M. & Peck, J. & Oakley, J. & Deitz, G. (2020). Effects of Environmental Haptic Cues on Consumer Perceptions of Retailer Warmth and Competence Journal of Retailing
Ringler, C. & Siranni, N. & Gustafsson, A. & Peck, J. (2019). Look but Don’t Touch! The Impact of Active Interpersonal Haptic Blocking on Compensatory Touch and Purchase Behavior Journal of Retailing
Shu, S. & Peck, J. (2018). Solving Stewardship Problems with Increased Psychological Ownership yes
Peck, J. & Luangrath, A. (2018). Looking Ahead: Future Research in Psychological Ownership yes
Pierce, J. & Peck, J. (2018). The History of Psychological Ownership and its Emergence in Consumer Psychology
Peck, J. (2018). Psychological Ownership and Consumer Behavior Springer
Kirk, C. & Peck, J. & Swain, S. (2018). Property Lines in the Mind: Consumers’ Psychological Ownership and Their Territorial Responses Journal of Consumer Research
Luangrath, A. & Peck, J. & Barger, V. (2017). Textual Paralanguage and Its Implications for Brand Communications Journal of Consumer Psychology
Luangrath, A. & Peck, J. & Barger, V. (2017). Textual Paralanguage and its Implications for Marketing Communications Journal of Consumer Psychology
Luangrath, A. & Peck, J. (2015). Individual differences in interpersonal touch: On the development, validation, and use of the “comfort with interpersonal touch” (CIT) scale Journal of Consumer Psychology
Johnson, J. & Peck, J. & Schweidel, D. (2014). Can Purchase Behavior Predict Relationship Perceptions and Willingness to Donate Psychology & Marketing
Peck, J. & Barger, V. & Luangrath, A. (2013). In Search of a Surrogate for Touch: The Effect of Haptic Imagery on Psychological Ownership and Object Valuation Journal of Consumer Psychology
Klatzky, R. & Peck, J. (2012). Please Touch: Aesthetic Features that Invite Touch IEEE Transactions on Haptics
Shu, S. & Peck, J. (2011). Perceived Ownership and Affective Reaction: Emotional Attachment Process Variables and the Endowment Effect Journal of Consumer Psychology
Peck, J. & Johnson, J. (2011). Autotelic Need for Touch, Haptics and Persuasion: The Role of Involvement Psychology & Marketing
Peck, J. (2010). Does Touch Matter? Insights from Haptic Research in Marketing Sensory Marketing: A Confluence of Psychology, Neuroscience and Consumer Behavior Research
Peck, J. (2010). Informational and Affective Influences of Haptics on Product Evaluation: Is What I say how I feel? Sensory Marketing: A Confluence of Psychology, Neuroscience and Consumer Behavior Research
Peck, J. & Shu, S. (2009). The Effect of Mere Touch on Perceived Ownership Journal of Consumer Research
Peck, J. & Childers, T. (2008). Effects of Sensory Factors on Consumer Behaviors Handbook of Consumer Psychology
Peck, J. & Childers, T. (2006). If I Touch It I Have to Have It: Individual and Environmental Influences on Impulse Purchasing Journal of Business Research
Wiggins, J. & Peck, J. (2006). It Just Feels Good: Consumers’ Affective Response to Touch and Its Influence on Attitudes and Behavior Journal of Marketing
Peck, J. (2005). Haptic Perception and Consumer Buying Behavior: Individual, Product and Situational Factors
Loken, B. & Peck, J. (2005). The Effects of Instructional Frame on Female Adolescents’ Evaluations of Larger-Sized Models in Print Advertising Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Peck, J. & Loken, B. (2004). When Will Larger-Sized Female Models in Advertisements be Viewed Positively? The Moderating Effects of Instructional Frame, Gender, and Need-for-Cognition Psychology & Marketing
Peck, J. & Childers, T. (2004). Self-Report and Behavioral Measures in Product Evaluation and Haptic Information: Is What I Say How I Feel?
Peck, J. & Wiggins, J. (2003). Persuasion and Haptic Properties: There Is More to Touch Than Meets the Eye Business & Professional Ethics Journal
Peck, J. & Childers, T. (2003). Individual Differences in Haptic Information Processing: On the Development, Validation, and Use of the ‘Need for Touch’ Scale Journal of Consumer Research
Peck, J. & Childers, T. (2003). To Have and To Hold: The Influence of Haptic Information on Product Judgments Journal of Marketing
Loken, B. & Joiner, C. & Peck, J. (2002). Category Attitude Measures: Exemplars as Inputs Journal of Consumer Psychology
Labusz, T. & Szybist, L. & Peck, J. (2001). Perishable Refrigerated Products and Home Practices Survey
Childers, T. & Carr, C. & Peck, J. & Carson, S. (2001). Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations for Online Retail Shopping Behavior Journal of Retailing
Peck, J. & Childers, T. (2000). Point-of-Purchase Signs, Impulse Purchase and an Individual Difference in the ‘Desire to Touch’
Practitioner-Oriented Publications
Yoon, R. & Peck, J. & Shu, S. (2024). Increasing Hotel Loyalty Through Psychological Ownership Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
SCP 2022 Conference (2022) Tracking Comfort with Interpersonal Touch Over Time: The Effect of #MeToo and COVID-19 on Preferences for Touch
ACR 2021 Conference (2021) Tracking Comfort with Interpersonal Touch Over Time: The Effect of #MeToo and COVID-19 on Preferences for Touch
Target (2015) Please Touch! How your Sense of Touch Can Influence your Purchase Decisions
Workshop on Ownership and Decision Making (2013) The Relationship Between Mere Touch and Perceived Ownership
National Polyolefin Conference of Plastics Engineers (2013) Haptics Research, a Review and Future Directions
Sheth Marketing Camp (2012) Please Touch: How Your Sense of Touch Can Influence Marketing Decisions
(2012) Touching and Purchase Decisions
(2011) Insights from Haptic Research
Association for Consumer Research (2010) A Broad View of the Notion of Sensory Interaction
Fall Coffee (2010) Please Touch the Merchandise: How Your Sense of Touch Can Influence your Purchase Decisions
(2010) Please Touch the Merchandise: How Haptics Influences your Purchase Decisions
(2010) Insights from Haptic Research
International Conference of Applied Psychology (2010) Touch and Prior Knowledge: The More you Know, The More You Want to Touch…. Maybe
Rays of Research (2010) Please Touch the Merchandise: How Your Sense of Touch Can Influence your Purchase Decisions
Undergraduate Courses
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2008.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2008.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2001.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2001.
Case analysis and selected readings in marketing policy and strategy. Emphasis on the management functions of directing, planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling as they are applied to operational marketing topics.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2002.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2002.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2002.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2003.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2003.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2004.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2004.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Spring 2005.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Spring 2006.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Spring 2006.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2009.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Fall 2009.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Spring 2007.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Spring 2007.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 460), Spring 2007.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
Consumer Behavior (MKT 305), Fall 2007.
Analysis of the theories of consumer behavior and their application to marketing decision-making. Psychological, economic, anthropological and sociological perspectives are integrated to enhance understanding of consumer acquisition processes.
Consumer Behavior (MKT 305), Fall 2007.
Analysis of the theories of consumer behavior and their application to marketing decision-making. Psychological, economic, anthropological and sociological perspectives are integrated to enhance understanding of consumer acquisition processes.
Graduate Courses
Seminar-Marketing PhD (MKT 971), Fall 2003.
Analysis and discussion of recent research in all aspects of marketing thought and practice.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 971), Fall 2005.
Capstone marketing decision-making course emphasizing analysis of the external environment. The coordination of tactical and strategic marketing plans with the goals and objectives of the firm.
PhD Seminar in Consumer Behavior (MKT 971), Fall 2007.
Analysis and discussion of recent research in all aspects of marketing thought and practice.
Marketing Strategy (MKT 760), Fall 2001.
Case analysis and selected readings in marketing policy and strategy. Emphasis on the management functions of directing, planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling as they are applied to operational marketing topics.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2008.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2009.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Marketing Management (MKT 700), Fall 2010.
Provides a framework for evaluating marketing problems and developing a marketing strategy. Customer, company, competitive, and collaborator factors are emphasized as foundations for marketing decision making. The key aspects of product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategy are also examined.
Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications
Thomas, V. & Johnson, J. & Peck, J. (2010). Do Specialized MBA Programs Cultivate Alumni Relationships and Donations Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
Professional Organizations
Accociation for Consumer Research
Association for Consumer Research
American Marketing Association
Editorial and Reviewing Activities
Journal of Marketing Research – January 2020 – December 2025
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Consumer Research – Since June 2018
Guest Associate Editor
Journal of Consumer Psychology – January 2015 – December 2020
Associate Editor
Journal of Consumer Psychology – January 2015 – December 2018
Associate Editor
Journal of Consumer Research – Since September 2014
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Consumer Research – January 2014 – December 2025
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Consumer Psychology – Since January 2011
Editorial Board Member
Marketing Science
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Retailing
Journal of International Marketing Research
Association for Consumer Research
Psychology & Marketing
National Science Foundation
California Management Review
Popular Media
- Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) (2010).
- Time (2009).
- CNN (2009).
- Medical News Today (2009).
- WSBtv, Atlanta, Georgia (2009).
- News-Medical.net (2009).
- Metro (UK) (2009).
- TopNews (India) (2009).
- The Morning Call (2009).
- Chicago Tribune (2009).
- SmartMoney, Money Magazine (2009).
- US News and World Report.
- CNN Money.com (2009).
- WPR University of the Air (2012).
- Forbes.com (2013).
WSB Stories
- Why Your ‘Dream Destination’ May Not Seem So Dreamy When Others Are in the Picture - July 11, 2024
- Joann Peck’s Research Helps Connect People to Places - October 1, 2021
WSB Stories

Why Your ‘Dream Destination’ May Not Seem So Dreamy When Others Are in the Picture