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Randall B Dunham

Faculty Director, Executive Global Learning Experiences | Management and Human Resources
Faculty Director of CIBER
3565 Grainger Hall

About Randall

Dr. Randall B. Dunham is the Faculty Director of the UW-Madison Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). He was previously the Proctor and Gamble Professor of Quality and a Cargill Faculty Fellow. Professor Dunham has over 30 years of experience in international business consulting to organizations in the U.S. and throughout the world, including Johnson Controls International, Sears, Canadian Pacific, IBM, Blue-Cross, Coca-Cola, General Electric, the State of Wisconsin, the U.S. government, the U.S. Office of Naval Research, and a variety of professional societies and small businesses. He has consulted to over 50 schools of business from 20 countries on the effective use of instructional technology and has received the National Educational Media Network Silver Apple Award. Dunham has been actively involved in the academic, professional, and business communities. He has taught international management, organizational behavior, change management, data analysis, compensation, research methods, HR staffing, and doctoral seminars. He has taught at all levels within the School, as well as in the M.S. in Biotech program, the Executive MBA program, and other executive programs. His teaching has included seminars on and study trips to China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as classes for universities in China, Vietnam, England, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. He has organized and delivered faculty development programs for U.S. business professors in Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia. Dunham has received multiple teaching and service awards, including the Nasgovitz Curriculum Innovation Award. He developed one of the first computerized management simulations (The Manager's Workshop) and one of the first business classes to be taught on the Internet (the course has now been taught 35 consecutive semesters). At the UW-Madison, Dunham has served as associate dean of graduate programs for the Business School, Director of its Executive MBA program and as senior associate dean. In the Academy of Management, he has chaired both the organizational behavior and research methods divisions, has served on its board of governors and is an installed member of the Academy’s Journals Hall of Fame. He is a fellow of both the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society. The Society of Human Resource Management has twice selected his research as the best Human Resources research of the year.

Selected Accepted Journal Articles

Dunham, R. & Rhee, Y. & Lee, D. (2004). Expanding the technology acceptance model: The role of organizational and individual characteristics.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Lee, D. & Rhee, Y. & Dunham, R. (2009). The role of organizational and individual characteristics in technology acceptance. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Holzinger, I. & Medcof, T. & Dunham, R. (2006). Leader and follower prototypes in an international context: An exploratory study of Asia and South America

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (2002). Decision Making

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (2000). Decision Making

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1998). Flexible workplace/telecoming. The concise Blackwell encyclopedic of management

Gardner, D. & Cummings, L. & Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1998). Single item versus multiple item measurement scales: An empirical comparison. Educational and Psychological Measurement

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1997). Flexible working hours. The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of human resource management

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1997). Flexible workplace/telecommuting The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of human resource management

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1997). Compressed work schedules The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of human resource management

Dunham, R. & Grube, J. & Castaneda, M. (1994). Organizational commitment: The utility of an integrative definition. Journal of Applied Psychology

Pierce, J. & Gardner, D. & Dunham, R. & Cummings, L. (1993). Moderation by organization-based self-esteem of role condition-employee response relationships. Academy of Management Journal

Castaneda, M. & Levin, J. & Dunham, R. (1993). Using planned comparisons in management research: A case for the Bonferroni procedure. Journal of Management

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1992). The 12-Hour Work Day: A 48-Hour, Eight-Day Week. Academy of Management Journal

Barber, A. & Dunham, R. & Formisano, R. (1992). The impact of flexible benefits on employee satisfaction: A field study Personnel Psychology

Kuzuhara, L. & Dunham, R. (1990). Instructor’s Resource Manual for Managing.

Gardner, D. & Dunham, R. & Cummings, L. & Pierce, J. (1989). Focus of attention at work: Construct definition and empirical validation. Journal of Occupational Psychology

Pierce, J. & Gardner, D. & Cummings, L. & Dunham, R. (1989). Organization-based self-esteem: Construct definition, measurement, and validation. Academy of Management Journal

Greenberger, D. & Strasser, S. & Cummings, L. & Dunham, R. (1989). The impact of personal control on performance and satisfaction. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1987). Organizational commitment: Pre-employment propensity and initial work experiences. Journal of Management

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. & Castaneda, M. (1987). Alternative work schedules: Two field quasi-experiments. Personnel Psychology

Gardner, D. & Dunham, R. & Cummings, L. & Pierce, J. (1987). Focus of Attention at Work and Leader-Follower Relationships Journal of Occupational Behavior

Gardner, D. & Dunham, R. & Cummings, L. & Pierce, J. (1987). Employee Focus of Attention and Reactions to Organizational Change Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1986). Attitudes toward work schedules: Construct definition, instrument development, and validation. Academy of Management Journal

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. & Cummings, L. (1984). Sources of environmental structuring and participant responses. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. & Newstrom, J. (1983). Job context and job content. Journal of Management

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1983). The design and evaluation of alternative work schedules. Personnel Administrator

Dunham, R. & Formisano, R. (1982). Designing and evaluating employee benefit systems Personnel Administrator

Ferratt, T. & Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (1981). Self-report measures of job characteristics and affective responses: An examination of discriminatory validity. Academy of Management Journal

Taylor, M. & Dunham, R. (1980). A program for planned student and personnel practitioner interactions Personnel Administration

Dunham, R. & Newman, J. & Blackburn, R. (1979). If you don’t like it, change it. National Society of Performance and Instruction Journal

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. & Blackburn, R. (1979). Social systems structure, job design, and growth need strength: A test of a congruency model. Academy of Management Journal

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1978). The measurement of perceived job characteristics: The Job Diagnostic Survey versus the Job Characteristics Inventory. Academy of Management Journal

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1978). An empirical demonstration of the convergence of common macro- and micro- organization measures Academy of Management Journal

Dunham, R. & Smith, F. & Blackburn, R. (1977). Validation of the Index of Organizational Reactions with the JDI, The MSQ, and Faces Scales. Academy of Management Journal

Dunham, R. (1977). Shift work: A review and theoretical analysis. Academy of Management Review

Dunham, R. & Hawk, D. (1977). The four-day/ forty-hour week: Who wants it? Academy of Management Journal

Dunham, R. (1977). Relationships of perceived job design characteristics to job ability requirements and job value Journal of Applied Psychology

Dunham, R. (1977). Reactions to job characteristics: Moderating effects of the organization. Academy of Management Journal

Dunham, R. & Aldag, R. & Brief, A. (1977). Dimensionality of task design as measured by the Job Diagnostic Survey. Academy of Management Journal

Hawk, D. & Dunham, R. (1977). The four-day/ forty-hour week: A selected bibliography Exchange Bibliography

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1976). Task design: A literature review. Academy of Management Review

Wooley, O. & Wooley, S. & Dunham, R. (1976). Deprivation, expectation, and threat: Effects on salivation in the obese and nonobese. Physiology and Behavior

Dunham, R. (1976). The measurement and dimensionality of job characteristics Journal of Applied Psychology

Dunham, R. & Kravetz, D. (1975). Canonical correlation analysis in a predictive system. Journal of Experimental Education

Herman, J. & Dunham, R. & Hulin, C. (1975). Organizational structure, demographic characteristics and employee responses. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance

Dunham, R. & Herman, J. (1975). Development of a female faces scale for measuring job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology

Dunham, R. (1974). Ability-skill relationships: An empirical explanation of change over time. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance

Dunham, R. (1973). Achievement motivation as predictive of academic performance: A multivariate analysis. Journal of Educational Research

Wooley, O. & Wooley, S. & Dunham, R. (1972). Can calories be percieved and do they affect hunger in obese and nonobese humans? Journal of Comparative and Physiological and Physiological Psychology

Wooley, O. & Wooley, S. & Dunham, R. (1972). Calories and sweet taste: Effects on sucrose preference in the obese and nonobese. Physiology and Behavior

Dunham, R. (1972). Prediction of academic performance by the sentence completion method. Journal of Educational Research

Practitioner-Oriented Publications

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (2001). Decision Making


71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2011) East Meets West (and Everyone Else): Developing Effective Foreign Study Tours

71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2011) Teaching with Technology to Enlighten, Balance, and Transcend

70th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2010) Teaching with Technology: Bring High Tech and High Touch Passion to Teaching and Learning

69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2009) Teaching with Technology: Less Paper, More Green, More Learning

69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2009) Challenges and opportunities in teaching online and from remote locations

68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2008) Prototypical Interactions Between Leaders and Followers:An Exploratory Study of Latin America

68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2008) Teaching with technology: Asking the right questions with and about technology

68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2008) The questions we ask & don’t ask: Where should we go from here?

67th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2007) Teaching Well With Technology: Helping Students Do Good As Managers

67th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2007) Technology-Enhanced Learning: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.

2006 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (2006) Leader and follower prototypes an exploratory study of Asia and South America

66th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2006) Teaching with Technology: Providing Students with Tools to Put Course Knowledge into Action

66th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2006) Technology-Enhanced Learning: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Internationalizing Doctoral Education in Business (IDEB) (2006) The Globalization of Business.

Joint PACIBER/CIBER initiative (2006) The Pedagogy of Online Course Instruction: Examples from Organizational Behavior in an Asian Context.

Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (2006) Have You Used the Potential of Your Digital Camera Yet?

65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2005) Moving Images: Cinema in the Classroom

65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2005) Teaching with Technology: Hands-On Seismic Examples and Human Insights for the 21st Century

65th Meeting of the Academy of Management (2005) Academy Arts Opening and Reception

Human-Computer Interaction Conference (2005) Expanding the technology acceptance model: The role of organizational and individual characteristics, HCI Internationa 2005

64th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2004) Cinema Update: New Film Scenes for Teaching

64th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2004) Teaching with Technology: Practitioner-Friendly Delivery of Actionable Knowledge

(2004) Internet Teaching: Pedagogy and Development

30th Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (2003) The Manager’s Workshop: A Multimedia Interactive Simulation for Developing Skills in Effectively Motivating Employees

63rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2003) Teaching with Technology: Enhancing Democratic Course Participation

62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2002) Teaching Management with Technology: You need a network to teach without a net

61st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2001) Instructional Technology: Facilitating its acceptance and use

61st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2001) Transcending Boundaries in Teaching O.B.: How Technology Changes Student and Professor Resource Usage

60th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2000) Transcending temporal boundaries in teaching OB: Employing technology to change the ways students and professor use and experience technology

Sessions on instructional technology (2000)

59th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1999) Take the Plunge! Developing Skills Using Electronic Technology in the Teaching of Management.

59th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1999) The Importance of Teaching.

59th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1999) Using Distance Learning Technologies to Teach Management.

58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1998) Information Technology: Teaching Challenges and Research Opportunities.

58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1998) Technology and Teaching: Implications for the Future of the Management Classroom.

57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1997) Instructional technology

57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1997) Technology Enhanced Learning in Management Education: An Electronic Fair.

37th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1995) Teaching with a CD/ROM Multimedia Simulation.

55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1995) The Manager’s Workshop CD-ROM

54th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1994)

54th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1994) Distributive justice and the allocation of compensation: An investigation of performance-based benefits.

53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1993) Exploring the Boundaries Between Research and Teaching.

Society for Organizational Behavior Annual Meeting (1993) Instructional Technology in Action.

52nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1992) Single item versus multi-item measurement scales: An empirical comparison.

34th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Division of the Academy of Management (1991) Organization-based self-esteem and managerial behaviors.

51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1991) Determinants of focus of attention at work: A causal analysis of individual differences.

51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1991) The moderating effects of organization-based self-esteem on the role condition-performance/satisfaction relationship: A test of behavioral plasticity.

50th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (1990) Multimedia Technologies: Their Use in Instruction and Research

50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1990) Motivation: The Manager’s Workshop.

50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1990) Organization commitment: The construct and its measurement.

50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1990) The impact of flexible benefits on employee benefit satisfaction.

49th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1989) The development of an attitude towards change instrument.

Annual Conference of the Industrial Relations Research Association’s Symposium (1989) Workforce 2000 and job design

CORS/TIMS/ORSA Conference (1989) Focus of attention and problem identification.

20th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute. (1988) Construct validation: An application of meta-analysis.

48th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1988) Employee locus of control: A new conceptualization.

The Third Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of the American Psychological Association) (1988) Job Design: Expanding the contextual domain.

The Third Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of the American Psychology Association) (1988) The us of multivariate statistical techniques in applied organizational research.

30th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Division of the Academy of Management (1987) Self-assessment and reactions to work

Symposium at the University of Wuppertal (1987) Focus of attention at work and organizational effectiveness.

18th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (1986) Focus of attention at work: Leader-follower relationships.

27th Annual Meeting of the Western Academy of Management (1986) Focus of attention and organizational effectiveness: A longitudinal study

46th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1986) Application of a powerful a priori multiple comparison technique to behavioral data

46th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1986) Personal control, performance and job satisfaction

The First Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of the American Psychological Association) (1986) The dynamics and process of job redesign: A case example.

17th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1985) Assessing the impact of person-job fit using the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) and the Job Activity Preference Questionnaire (JAPQ).

17th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1985) Research Methodology Issues in the Organizational Sciences.

17th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1985) The direct and interactive effects of focus of attention and work-unit structure on worker effectiveness.

37th National Conference of the American Society for Personnel Administration (1985) Financial Impact of Attitudes

45th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1985) Focus of attention at work and reactions to work experiences.

93rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1985) The modeling and evaluation of flexible benefit plans.

Society for Organizational Behavior Convention (1985) Focus of attention and work behavior.

36th National Conference of the American Society for Personnel Administration (1984) Personnel research techniques

44th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1984) The systematic design and evaluation of non-cash compensation systems

Western American Institute of Decision Sciences (1984) An evaluation and extension of the Steers turnover model

20th International Congress of the Institutional Association of Applied Psychology (1982) Shift work

20th International Congress of the Institutional Association of Applied Psychology (1982) The state of the art of job design and redesign in the United States

34th National Conference of the American Society for Personnel Administration. (1982) Alternative work schedules

Southern Management Association (1982) The roles of job content and job context.

13th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1981) The complementary roles of lab and field studies for task design.

33rd National Conference of the American Society for Personnel Administration (1981) Design and evaluation of employee benefit plans

89th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1981) Standardized job evaluation: Some critical issues.

12th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1980) The design and evaluation of employee benefit systems.

12th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1980) The measurement of attitudes towards alternate work schedules.

88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1980) Labor Relations

88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1980) Realistic job previews: Applied jobs for industrial/organizational psychologists.

88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1980) Standardized job evaluation: Reliability, validity, and utility.

11th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (1979) Task design and organizational design.

21st Annual Meeting of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1979) Matching individuals, job design changes, and organization characteristics.

39th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1979) Let’s not forget these are people.

39th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1979) Multiple approaches to job design measurment and affective and behavioral responses to job design.

38th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1978) Employee responses to work unit structure and job design: A comparative examination of two construct models.

50th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association (1978) Employee reactions to technological and organizational changes: Two quasi-experimental job redesign field studies.

86th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1978) Job evaluation: Two instruments and sources of pay satisfaction.

37th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1977) Convergent and discriminant validity of job satisfaction measures as a function of sex and job.

37th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1977) Measurement problems: Job design, technology and organization structure.

36th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1976) Dimensionality of task design as measured by the Job Diagnostic Survey

36th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1976) Empirical evaluation of an operational paradigm of job satisfaction

48th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association (1976) Selection systems, EEOC guidelines, and temporal changes in ability-skill relationships.

84th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (1976) Validation of a set of attitude scales

Western Academy of Management Convention (1976) Task design: Measurement and dimensionality

45th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (1973) Temporal change in the prediction of performance: Inadequacy of the changing subject model

Indiana/Kentucky Psychological Association Joint Meeting (1971) A multivariate analysis of predictor variables of need achievement and academic grade-point average of college students

Undergraduate Courses

Industrial Relations ( 699), Spring 1990.

(BUS 699), Spring 1986.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Spring 1985.

(BUS 699), Spring 1981.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Spring 1978.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Spring 1977.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Summer 1977.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Fall 1977.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Spring 1976.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Fall 1976.

Industrial Relations ( 699), Fall 1975.

Sociology ( 698), Spring 1982.

(BUS 692), Spring 1982.

(BUS 692), Summer 1986.

(BUS 692), Spring 1981.

(BUS 692), Fall 1981.

(BUS 692), Spring 1980.

(BUS 692), Summer 1980.

(BUS 692), Fall 1980.

(BUS 692), Spring 1979.

(BUS 692), Summer 1979.

(BUS 692), Fall 1977.

(BUS 692), Spring 1978.

(BUS 692), Summer 1977.

(BUS 692), Fall 1979.

(BUS 692), Summer 1978.

(BUS 692), Fall 1976.

(BUS 692), Spring 1976.

(BUS 692), Spring 1985.

(BUS 692), Fall 1985.

(BUS 692), Spring 1986.

(BUS 692), Spring 1988.

(BUS 692), Spring 1987.

(BUS 692), Summer 1990.

(BUS 692), Spring 1995.

(BUS 692), Fall 1993.

Personnel Staffing and Evaluation (MHR 611), Spring 2004.
Elements of manpower planning and internal labor markets; validation procedures for determining the potential job effectiveness of individuals; description and validity of selection instruments such as tests, interviews and biographical data; measuring performance, turnover and absenteeism; the process of performance appraisal; employment discrimination and affirmative action.

Personnel Staffing and Evaluation (MHR 611), Spring 2005.
Elements of manpower planning and internal labor markets; validation procedures for determining the potential job effectiveness of individuals; description and validity of selection instruments such as tests, interviews and biographical data; measuring performance, turnover and absenteeism; the process of performance appraisal; employment discrimination and affirmative action.

Industrial Relations ( 590), Fall 1987.

(BUS 539), Spring 1989.
(Dunham’s discussion section)

(BUS 534), Spring 1990.

(BUS 534), Fall 1991.

(BUS 534), Fall 1976.

(BUS 534), Fall 1975.

(BUS 534), Fall 1978.

(BUS 534), Fall 1979.

(BUS 532), Summer 1989.

(BUS 530), Spring 1981.

(BUS 530), Fall 1986.

(BUS 530), Spring 1981.

(BUS 530), Fall 1979.

(BUS 530), Fall 1980.

(BUS 530), Fall 1980.

(BUS 530), Spring 1978.

(BUS 530), Fall 1978.

(BUS 530), Fall 1978.

(BUS 530), Fall 1977.

(BUS 530), Fall 1977.

(BUS 530), Spring 1978.

(BUS 530), Fall 1975.

(BUS 530), Fall 1975.

(BUS 530), Spring 1989.

(BUS 530), Fall 1990.

(BUS 530), Spring 1991.

(BUS 530), Summer 1996.

(BUS 530), Fall 1987.

(BUS 530), Spring 1987.

(BUS 530), Spring 1988.
5 video sections

(BUS 530), Summer 1988.

(BUS 530), Fall 1988.

(BUS 530), Spring 1986.

(BUS 530), Spring 1986.

(BUS 530), Fall 1985.

(BUS 530), Fall 1985.

(BUS 530), Fall 1984.

(BUS 530), Fall 1984.

Organization and Management Processes (MNG 420), Spring 2001.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MNG 420), Spring 2001.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Spring 2006.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MNG 420), Fall 2001.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MNG 420), Fall 2001.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Fall 2002.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Fall 2002.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MNG 420), Spring 2002.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Fall 2003.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Spring 2004.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

(MHR 420), Spring 2007.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Spring 2007.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

Organization and Management Processes (MHR 420), Fall 2007.
How large and complex organizations are structured, and basic managerial processes within organizations. Topics: Classical bureaucratic structure contrasted with contemporary organization structure; the impact of different organizational goals and environments on the structure of organizations; planning, coordination and control processes as related to different service and production technologies.

(BUS 399), Spring 2003.

Reading and Research-Business Research (BUS 399), Spring 2001.

Reading and Research-Business Research (BUS 399), Fall 2002.

Reading and Research-Business Research (BUS 399), Summer 2006.

Reading and Research-Business Research (BUS 399), Spring 2004.

Reading and Research-Business Research (BUS 399), Spring 2002.

Independent Study (MHR/MHR 399), Spring 2008.

Independent Study (MHR/MHR 399), Spring 2009.

Independent Study (MHR/MHR 399), Fall 2010.

(BUS 399), Spring 1997.

Organizational Behavior (Honors) (MHR 300), Fall 1996.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2008.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2008.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2008.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2011.
This is an online class in which Dunham has no “live” contact with students.

Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2010.
This is an online class in which Dunham has no “live” contact with students.

Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2007.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2006.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2007.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2007.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2006.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2006.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2005.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2005.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2005.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2004.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2004.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2004.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2003.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2002.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2001.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2003.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2002.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2001.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2003.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2002.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2001.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 1999.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2009.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2009.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Spring 2009.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Fall 2010.
This is an online class in which Dunham has no “live” contact with students.

Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2010.
This is an online section in which Dunham has no “live” contact with students.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300), Summer 2001.
Attitudes and behavior within organizations. Satisfaction, performance, and job choice; models of organizational behavior and attitudes; use of the models to demonstrate how individual, group, and organizational characteristics influence attitudes and behavior. Implications for supervisory practice.

(BUS 198), Spring 1997.

(BUS 198), Fall 1996.

(BUS 198), Spring 1996.

(BUS 198), Fall 1995.

Inter-LS ( 130), Fall 1991.

Graduate Courses

Industrial Relations ( 999), Spring 1985.

Industrial Relations ( 999), Spring 1982.

Industrial Relations ( 999), Spring 1980.

Industrial Relations ( 999), Fall 1980.

I ( 999), Spring 1978.

(BUS 992), Fall 1977.

(BUS 992), Fall 1981.

(BUS 992), Fall 1979.

(BUS 992), Spring 1979.

(BUS 990), Fall 1986.

Industrial Relations ( 990), Spring 1985.

Industrial Relations ( 990), Spring 1987.

(BUS 990), Spring 1986.

(BUS 990), Spring 2004.

(BUS 990), Fall 2003.

(BUS 990), Spring 2003.

(BUS 990), Fall 2002.

(BUS 990), Spring 2002.

(BUS 990), Spring 2001.

(BUS 932), Fall 1989.

(BUS 932), Fall 1982.

(BUS 932), Spring 1979.

(BUS 932), Spring 1977.

(BUS 932), Fall 1976.

(BUS 931), Spring 1983.

Seminar in Organizational Behavior and Design (MNG 872), Spring 2002.
Analysis and discussion of selected topics in organizational behavior and design.

(BUS 799), Fall 1997.

Industrial Relations ( 799), Spring 1988.

Industrial Relations ( 799), Summer 1987.

Industrial Relations ( 799), Fall 1987.

Industrial Relations ( 799), Summer 1988.

Industrial Relations ( 798), Spring 1986.

Industrial Relations ( 798), Fall 1990.

Industrial Relations ( 798), Fall 1985.

(BUS 798), Spring 1997.

Industrial Relations ( 798), Spring 1996.

(BUS 798), Fall 1995.

(BUS 798), Spring 1995.

(BUS 792), Spring 1982.

(BUS 792), Summer 1982.

(BUS 792), Summer 1985.

(BUS 792), Spring 1989.

(BUS 792), Fall 1989.

(BUS 792), Spring 1988.

(BUS 792), Fall 1976.

(BUS 792), Fall 1977.

(BUS 792), Spring 1976.

(BUS 792), Fall 1979.

(BUS 792), Spring 1978.

(BUS 792), Fall 1982.

(BUS 792), Summer 1981.

(BUS 790), Spring 1995.

Contemporary Topics (INT/BUS 765), Spring 2011.

(BUS 765), Spring 1999.

Managing Behav in Organizatns (MHR 704), Spring 2009.

Managing Behav in Organizatns (MHR 704), Spring 2009.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (BUS 704), Fall 2000.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (BUS 704), Fall 2000.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (BUS 704), Fall 1998.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (BUS 704), Fall 1998.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (Evening MBA) (BUS 704), Fall 1998.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (BUS 704), Fall 1997.

Managing Behavior in Organizations (BUS 704), Fall 1997.

Industrial Relations ( 704), Spring 1988.

Industrial Relations ( 704), Spring 1987.

Industrial Relations ( 704), Spring 1987.

Industrial Relations ( 704), Spring 1984.

Industrial Relations ( 704), Spring 1990.

Managing Behav in Organizatns (MHR 704), Spring 2008.

Managing Behav in Organizatns (MHR 704), Spring 2008.

(BUS 703), Fall 1982.

(BUS 703), Fall 1981.

(BUS 703), Fall 1981.

(BUS 703), Spring 1984.

(BUS 703), Spring 1982.

(BUS 703), Fall 1982.

(BUS 703), Spring 1983.

(BUS 703), Spring 1983.

(BUS 703), Fall 1983.

(BUS 703), Fall 1983.

(BUS 703), Spring 1982.

Industrial Relations ( 703), Fall 1988.

(BUS 703), Fall 1994.

(BUS 703), Spring 1995.
(New Instrument)

(BUS 703), Spring 1995.
(Old Instrument)

(BUS 703), Fall 1995.

(BUS 703), Fall 1995.

(BUS 703), Spring 1996.

(BUS 703), Spring 1996.

(MHR 700), Fall 1996.

(MHR 700), Fall 1996.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 700), Fall 2006.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 700), Spring 1999.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 700), Spring 1999.

Organization Behavior (MHR 700), Spring 2008.

Hybrid Courses

(BUS 833/837), Spring 1977.

(BUS 833/837), Spring 1976.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300/700), Fall 2000.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300/700), Summer 2000.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300/700), Spring 2000.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300/700), Fall 1999.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300/700), Summer 1999.

Organizational Behavior (MHR 300/700), Fall 1998.
Web Course

Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications

Dunham, R. & Holzinger, I. & Medcof, T. (2005). Leader and follower prototypes in an international context: An exploratory study of Asia and South America

Dunham, R. (2007). Decision Making

Dunham, R. & Pierce, J. (2005). Decision Making

(2004). The Manager’s Workshop, v. 3

Pierce, J. & Gardner, D. & Dunham, R. (2002). Management/Organizational Behavior: An Integrated Perspective

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1990). Managing

Pierce, J. & Newstrom, J. & Dunham, R. & Barber, A. (1989). Alternative Work Schedules

Pierce, J. & Dunham, R. (1989). Management

Dunham, R. (1984). Organizational Behavior: People and Processes in Management

Dunham, R. & Smith, F. (1979). Organizational Surveys: An Internal Assessment of Organizational Health

Professional Organizations

Chair, Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management

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Jon Eckhardt

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