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Roberto Robatto

Roberto Robatto

Assistant Professor | Finance
5274A Grainger Hall

About Roberto

Roberto Robatto completed his doctorate in Economics at the University of Chicago. He also holds a M.Sc. in Economics from Bocconi University and Pompeu Fabra University.

His main research interests are at the intersection of banking, financial regulation, monetary and fiscal policy, and financial crises. His work leverages his expertise in a broad set of finance and economics tools: theoretical models, structural models calibrated to data, and reduced-form empirical analyses. In his dissertation, he analyzed the macroeconomic impact of systemic financial crises and the effects of monetary policies aimed at mitigating and preventing such crises. His more recent research studies optimal financial regulation, identifies how monetary policy, fiscal policy, and financial regulation affect banks, and how these effects shape the broader economy. His research has been published in leading finance and economics journals, such as the Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, and the Journal of Monetary Economics.

He was awarded the 2009 Crivelli Scholarship by the Unicredit & Universities Foundation, the 2011 Macro Field Lee Prize by the Economics Department of the University of Chicago, the 2012 Dissertation Fellowship by the Macroeconomic Modeling and Systemic Risk Research Initiative, the 2014 SUERF/Unicredit Research Prize “Reregulation of the Financial Sector” for his research on monetary policy and financial crises, and the 2021 Mabel W. Chipman Outstanding Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.

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