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Tyler Welch

Tyler Welch

PhD Student | Insurance Economics and Actuarial Analytics

About Tyler

Tyler Welch is a PhD Candidate in the Insurance Economics and Actuarial Analytics program. His research interests are tied to applied topics in insurance and public economics. Specifically, he is interested in social insurance, longevity risk management, health insurance, public policy, and poverty. He is a Graduate Research Fellow at the Institute for Research on Poverty and an Associate Member at the National Academy of Social Insurance.

In 2020, Tyler received his BBA from Temple University and earned his designation as a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS).

Selected Published Journal Articles

Bavafa, H. & Mukherjee, A. & Welch, T. (2023). Inequality in the golden years: Wealth gradients in disability-free and work-free longevity in the United States Journal of Health Economics

Selected Submitted Journal Articles

Welch, T. (2024). Access to Health Insurance and Social Security Claiming: Evidence from Medicaid Expansion