This discussion guide is a resource for you to have conversations with your colleagues and explore this topic further.
Key learnings
- Invest in relationships
- Ensure everyone knows that their strengths and perspectives are valued
- Invite diversity of thought
- Normalize disagreement and dissent around ideas
- Make it clear
- Provide clarity and alignment of goals and roles
- Ensure accountability
- Address bad behaviors that conflict with stated values
- Celebrate learning
- Treat mistakes as learning opportunities
Questions to spark further discussion
- What does psychological safety look and feel like to you in a work setting?
- To what extent does psychological safety currently exist within our team?
- What are some existing barriers to psychological safety in our team?
- What can each of us do to help create psychological safety in our team?
If you have questions or would like additional support discussing this topic, please contact Siri Pairin, a member of the DEI team, at