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Master’s Virtual Drop-in Session

Have a quick question and need a quick answer? We’ve got you covered! Hosted the first Monday of every month, this Virtual Drop-In Q&A Session is designed with your convenience in...

Ask an Ambassador

Drop-in during this open chat session to chat with current master's students about their experience in the Wisconsin School of Business. Current students will be on hand to answer any...

Master’s Virtual Drop-in Session

Have a quick question and need a quick answer? We’ve got you covered! Hosted the first Monday of every month, this Virtual Drop-In Q&A Session is designed with your convenience in...

MSBA Consulting Practicum Webinar

Join us to learn about the consulting practicum at our virtual Intro to the Consulting Practicum session! Halley Jones, Corporate Outreach Manager, will be providing an overview of what the...

Master’s Virtual Drop-in Session

Have a quick question and need a quick answer? We’ve got you covered! Hosted the first Monday of every month, this Virtual Drop-In Q&A Session is designed with your convenience in...