With a long history of educating top leaders and conducting cutting-edge research in the banking industry, the Puelicher Center for Banking Education at the Wisconsin School of Business is sponsoring the National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER) Conference on Financial Market Regulation this fall.
Taking place October 6-7, 2017, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the NBER Conference brings together the latest research and thought leadership on financial market regulation and macroprudential financial policies.

Dean Corbae—who serves as associate director of the Puelicher Center, the William Sellery Trukenbrod Chair in Finance, and a professor in the Department of Finance, Investment, and Banking at WSB as well as the Department of Economics in the College of Letters & Science—is co-organizing the NBER Conference along with Robert Townsend of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Corbae is also a research associate of NBER.
The conference brings together top researchers from financial economics, industrial organization, contract theory, and macroeconomics to investigate how asymmetric information, market liquidity, contracting imperfections, and other features of financial markets affect regulatory design and financial stability. Among the goals of the conference is to lay out a future research agenda to understand how financial frictions interact with existing regulations and to explore if alternative designs can achieve economic efficiency.
By sponsoring this national conference that draws participants from such universities as the University of California, Berkeley; Carnegie Mellon; University of Chicago; Columbia; Harvard; University of Minnesota; MIT; New York University; Princeton; and Stanford as well as economists from Federal Reserve Banks, the Puelicher Center is providing leadership at the forefront of research on financial regulation.
The Puelicher Center for Banking Education has positioned the University of Wisconsin–Madison as the Midwest hub for banking education for more than 40 years. Specifically endowed to educate the next generation of senior bank executives, the Puelicher Center supports undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered by WSB’s Department of Finance, Investment, and Banking.