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Diversity lunch gathering

Diversity & Inclusion

A Commitment to Inclusion

Each Wisconsin Business PhD cohort brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, including domestic students, international students, and students from underrepresented populations.

This creates an enriching experience for students, faculty, and alumni, who learn from each other’s differing perspectives—and, as a result, broaden their own.

The Wisconsin School of Business is a founding member of The PhD Project, a network of supporters, sponsors, and universities dedicated to increasing the diversity of corporate America by increasing the diversity of business school faculty. The school is also a founding member of the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting diversity in business education and leadership by connecting underrepresented minorities with top-tier MBA programs.

Inclusion is a value that is fostered across the entire WSB learning community. To help extend the culture of inclusion to all, the school schedules guest speakers with a diversity focus, as well as regular workshops for faculty, staff, and graduate students. As a community, we learn together to challenge our assumptions and expand our world view.

Diversity Resources

Campus resources

Doctoral students at the Wisconsin School of Business have access to a wide array of resources through the University of Wisconsin–Madison, including networking organizations and centers that serve specific student populations.

Student organizations

A variety of student organizations build cultural competence and contribute to a climate of inclusion. All students at the Wisconsin School of Business are welcome to participate.