About Dan
Dan Sacks joined the Wisconsin School of Business in June 2022 as an Associate Professor in the Risk and Insurance Department.
Professor Sacks’ studies the economics of health, health care, and health insurance, as well as social insurance programs such as government-provided health insurance and Social Security.
Prior to joining the Wisconsin School of Business, Professor Sacks served as an assistant and associate professor of business economics and public policy at Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Professor Sacks earned his B.A. in Economics and History from Haverford College, and his Ph.D. in Applied Economics from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Selected Accepted Journal Articles
Butters, A. & Sacks, D. & Seo, B. (2023). Why Do Retail Prices Fall During Seasonal Demand Peaks? Rand Journal of Economics
Kolb, A. & Pease, M. & Sacks, D. & Quick, J. (2022). Blind Disclosure American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Sacks, D. & Menachemi, N. & Embi, P. & Wing, C. What can we learn about SARS-CoV-2 prevalence from testing and hospital data? Review of Economics and Statistics
Selected Published Journal Articles
Friedson, A. & Li, M. & Meckel, K. & Rees, D. & Sacks, D. (2023). Cigarette Taxes, Smoking, and Health in the Long Run Journal of Public Economics
Drake, C. & Anderson, D. & Cai, S. & Sacks, D. (2023). Financial Transaction Costs Reduce Benefit Take-Up: Evidence from Zero-Premium Health Insurance Plans in Colorado Journal of Health Economics
Butters, R. & Sacks, D. & Seo, B. (2022). How Do National Firms Respond to Local Cost Shocks? American Economic Review
Gelber, A. & Jones, D. & Sacks, D. & Song, J. (2021). Using Nonlinear Budget Sets to Estimate Extensive Margin Responses: Evidence from the Earnings Test American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Sacks, D. & Vu, K. & Huang, T. & Karaca-Mandic, P. (2021). How do insurance firms respond to financial risk sharing regulations? Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Health Economics
Lurie, I. & Sacks, D. & Heim, B. (2021). Does the individual mandate affect insurance coverage? Evidence from tax returns American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Sacks, D. & Hollingsworth, A. & Nguyen, T. & Simon, K. (2021). Can policy affect initiation of addictive substance use? Evidence from opioids. Journal of Health Economics
Gelber, A. & Jones, D. & Sacks, D. & Song, J. (2020). The Employment Effects of the Social Security Earnings Test Journal of Human Resources
Gelber, A. & Jones, D. & Sacks, D. (2020). Estimating Adjustment Frictions Using Nonlinear Budget Sets: Method and Evidence from the Earnings Test American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Lin, H. & Sacks, D. (2019). Intertemporal Substitution in Health Care Demand: Evidence from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment Journal of Public Economics
Mukherjee, A. & Sacks, D. & Yoo, H. The Effects of the Opioid Crisis on Employment: Evidence from Labor Market Flows Journal of Human Resources