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Philip Mulder

Philip Mulder

Assistant Professor | Risk and Insurance
4263 Grainger Hall

In the News

About Philip

Philip Mulder is an Assistant Professor in the Risk and Insurance Department.

Professor Mulder’s research focuses on real estate and household finance, environmental economics, and insurance. His research agenda studies how households, insurers, lenders, and governments adapt to dynamic climate risk.

Professor Mulder earned his B.A. in Mathematics and Economics from Kalamazoo College and his Ph.D. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Mulder, P. & Kousky, C. (2023). Risk Rating without Information Provision American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings


Society for Financial Studies Cavalcade North America Meeting (2024) Money to Burn: Crowdfunding Wildfire Recovery

University of Alaska – Anchorage Economics Seminar Series (2024) Money to Burn: Crowdfunding Wildfire Recovery

American Academy of Actuaries Annual Meeting (2023) Flood Insurance Panel

Homer Hoyt Institute (2023) Insurance Markets and the Costs of Climate Change

Cleveland Fed Conference on Financial Stability (2022) Neglected No More: Housing Markets, Mortgage Lending, and Sea Level Rise

Urban Economics Association Europe (2022) Mismeasuring Risk: The Welfare Effects of Flood Risk Information

NBER Real Estate Summer Institute (2021) Neglected No More: Housing Markets, Mortgage Lending, and Sea Level Rise

WSB Stories

Masthead portrait of faculty member Philip Mulder with brand chevron

Climate Change, GoFundMe, and Catastrophic Risk: A Conversation with Philip Mulder

To someone who studies uncertainty for a living, question marks around the long-term impact of climate change pose an important research challenge, says Philip Mulder, an assistant professor of risk...
Grainger Hall exterior

WSB Faculty: How Is Your Work Helping Shape Better Business Leaders?

The start of a school year means new beginnings, new goals, and new ideas. There’s not just one path into business, and a Wisconsin School of Business education prepares students...

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