Peng Shi (Ph.D. ’09), an associate professor of risk and insurance and the Charles and Laura Albright Professor of Business and Finance at the Wisconsin School of Business, has been named a Young Researchers Competition winner by the Casualty Actuarial Society, a professional actuary association with more than 8,000 members across the globe.

According to a news release from the organization, winners must have actuarial academic or practitioner status and complete their advanced degree or designation within five years of the 2018 International Congress of Actuaries. Shi has also received prior awards from the society for research excellence, including the Charles A. Hachemeister Prize and the Ronald Bornhuetter Loss Reserve Prize.
His areas of research focus include multivariate regression and dependence models, predictive modeling, and insurance economics. He is an associate of the Society of Actuaries and received his Ph.D. from the Wisconsin School of Business.
Shi is one of two Young Researchers Competition award recipients and will be acknowledged at the 2018 International Congress of Actuaries in Berlin next summer.