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Mahka Moeen

Mahka Moeen

Associate Professor | Management and Human Resources
Skillrud Family Chair in Business
4250D Grainger Hall

About Mahka

Mahka Moeen is an Associate Professor in the Management and Human Resources Department.

Professor Moeen’s research focuses on how firms and entrepreneurs create and enter nascent industries. In studying the co-evolution of entrepreneurial firms and nascent industries, she examines strategies that firms undertake during early incubation industry stage.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Gaonkar, S. & Moeen, M. (2023). Standing on the parent’s shoulder or in its shadow? Alliance partner overlap between employee spinouts and their parents Strategic Management Journal

Shermon, A. & Moeen, M. (2022). Zooming in or zooming out: Entrants’ product portfolios in the nascent drone industry Strategic Management Journal

Agarwal, R. & Kim, S. & Moeen, M. (2021). Leveraging Private Enterprise: Incubation of New Industries to Address the Public Sector’s Mission-Oriented Grand Challenges Strategy Science

Moeen, M. & Agarwal, R. & Shah, S. (2020). Building Industries by Building Knowledge: Uncertainty Reduction over Industry Milestones Strategy Science

Moeen, M. & Mitchell, W. (2020). How do pre-entrants to the industry incubation stage choose between alliances and acquisitions for technical capabilities and specialized complementary assets? Strategic Management Journal

Agarwal, R. & Moeen, M. & Shah, S. (2017). Athena’s Birth: Triggers, Actors, and Actions Preceding Industry Inception Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Moeen, M. & Agarwal, R. (2017). Incubation of an industry: Heterogeneous knowledge bases and modes of value capture Strategic Management Journal

Moeen, M. (2017). Entry into nascent industries: Disentangling a firm’s capability portfolio at the time of investment versus market entry Strategic Management Journal

Mindruta, D. & Moeen, M. & Agarwal, R. (2016). A two-sided matching approach for partner selection and assessing complementarities in partners’ attributes in inter-firm alliances Strategic Management Journal

Kirsch, D. & Moeen, M. & Wadhwani, D. (2013). Historicism and industry emergence: Industry knowledge and interpretation from pre-emergence to stylized fact Organizations in time: History, Theory, Methods

Moeen, M. & Somaya, D. & Mahoney, J. (2013). Supply Portfolio Concentration in Outsourced Knowledge-Based Services Organization Science

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