About Neeraj
Professor Arora’s current research interests are tech-centered and include large language models, digital marketing effectiveness, and machine learning for marketing analytics.
Professor Arora’s past research has focused on marketing problems that require statistical models of consumer choice. Typical contexts for his research include brand choices made by individuals, and groups. Using data sources that include experiments, and readily available in-market buyer behavior, he builds models that rely on Bayesian statistics, theories of psychology and microeconomics. His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Customer Needs and Solutions, and Marketing Letters.
Professor Arora teaches Undergraduate, MBA and PhD students. His teaching interests include marketing analytics and marketing research. He has served as a business consultant in a variety of areas that include marketing analytics, research methodologies and legal matters.
Selected Accepted Journal Articles
Arora, N. & Chakraborty, I. & Nishimura, Y. (2024). AI-human hybrids for Marketing Research: Leveraging LLMs as Collaborator Journal of Marketing
Selected Published Journal Articles
Tian, M. & Kaufman, D. & Shiffman, S. & Arora, N. (2024). Over-the-Counter Drug Consumption: How Consumers Deviate from Label Instructions Journal of Marketing Research
Tian, M. & Hoban, P. & Arora, N. (2024). What Cookie-Based Advertising Effectiveness Fails to Measure Marketing Science
Kim, Y. & Kim, S. & Arora, N. (2022). GMO Labeling Policy and Consumer Choice Journal of Marketing
Sadeghi, S. & Chien, P. & Arora, N. (2020). Sliced Designs for Multiplatform Online Experiments Technometrics
Maleeha, Q. & Tunuguntla, S. & Lee, P. & Kanchinadam, T. & Fung, G. & Arora, N. (2019). Discovering Temporal Patterns from Insurance Interaction Data Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Arora, N. & Henderson, T. & Liu, Q. (2011). Non-compensatory Dyadic Choices Marketing Science
Liu, Q. & Arora, N. (2011). Efficient Choice Designs for a Consider-Then-Choose Model Marketing Science
Working Papers
Henderson, T. & Arora, N. & Piotrowsky, F. (2019). Promoting a Brand with a Social Cause: An In-Market Quasi Experiment Marketing Science
Graduate Courses
Seminar-Marketing PhD (MKT 972), Spring 2019.
This course is for PhD students in marketing and related quantitative fields. It surveys quantitative research in the field of marketing. The primary goal is enhance student awareness of different ways in which statistical modeling has become relevant to marketing, the different types of models that are popular in the field, trace the evolution of the statistical models over the years and our current challenges. The students will get an opportunity to read published papers, critique them, learn how to identify a research question, and begin to answer it using empirical methods.
Marketing Analytics (MKT 815), Spring 2019.
We will study the impact of analytics on successful marketing decisions. The course covers a spectrum of topics that include marketing metrics, digital analytics, marketing response models, segmentation, product design, experimentation and big data. It is designed for students with some background in quantitative methods and an exposure to basic marketing research concepts. The course will use a combination of lectures, cases and hands-on model building focused on marketing analytics.
Marketing Research (MKT 710), Fall 2011.
The purpose of marketing research is to provide information to make better business decisions. In this course you will be introduced to different stages of the marketing research process. The course will provide you with the necessary knowledge base and tools to (a) conduct basic marketing research and (b) become a thoughtful consumer of marketing research. My goal is to assist you in developing a mindset that continually relies on information based decisions. We will focus on qualitative and quantitative aspects of marketing research as it relates to business problems such as market segmentation, assessing demand and new product design.
Professional Organizations
Journal Of Consumer Research Policy Board
Marketing Science Institute
Editorial and Reviewing Activities
Journal of Marketing – March 2020 – December 2022
Associate Editor
Journal of Marketing Research – Since January 2019
Associate Editor
Journal of Retailing – January 2015 – December 2019
Associate Editor
Quantitative Marketing and Economics – January 2013 – February 2024
Editorial Board Member
Customer Needs and Solutions – Since January 2013
Senior Editor
Journal of Marketing – January 2011 – February 2020
Editorial Board Member
Marketing Science – January 2007 – December 2021
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Marketing Research – January 2001 – December 2019
Editorial Board Member
WSB Stories
- Large Language Models Perform as Strong Collaborators, Insight Generators, in AI-Human Hybrid Marketing Research Study - September 11, 2024
- WSB Faculty Share Research on Generative AI - November 3, 2023
WSB Stories

Large Language Models Perform as Strong Collaborators, Insight Generators, in AI-Human Hybrid Marketing Research Study