The Next Generation of Business Leaders

I think one of the more exciting parts of finance is you’re able to put capital to use in a way that has a positive impact on the world.
Finance, Political Science

I am aspiring to be an equity, inclusion, and belonging champion within a business.
Strategic HR

I am looking beyond differences to common goals that unite us in business.
Marketing, Supply Chain, Management and HR, Chinese Professional Communication
There is No One Path Into Business.
Everyone has a unique story. By embracing individual strengths and backgrounds, our students grow into leaders unafraid to do business differently.
They’re broadening the scope of what’s possible. They’re challenging the traditional definition of success and demanding something more. And the best part? They’re just getting started.
Writing the Story of What Comes Next—Who Comes Next—in Business
Trusted to lead when there’s no blueprint

I'm merging politics and finance to bring a different perspective to Wall Street.
Charlie Forbes, bba '23
Finance, Political Science

Studying business and real estate allows me to get to a place where I can help people on a much greater scale.
Ayo Kolawole, bba '25
Real Estate, Finance, African American Studies

I’m proud of being able to stand as who I am and show that you’re capable of doing anything, no matter where you come from.
Michelle Yang, bba '25
Marketing, Finance, Sustainability

I'm hoping to have an impact on people's ability to see themselves as something greater and that they're worthy of any dream they set out to achieve.
Jayla Thompson, bba '23
Marketing, African American Studies

A career in sales can go in so many directions, but selling something that makes a difference in someone's life is important to me.
Nicole Ciskowski, bba '23
Business can be broken down into a lot of different categories, but ultimately for me, it's people.
Marketing, Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship

Just plowing through adversity and being myself through it all, that's what I'm most proud of about my career.
Natalie Steffes, bba '11, MBA '24
Wisconsin Professional MBA

Business really brings anyone from any sort of background together in all aspects.
Yueran Zhao, bba '23
Marketing, Supply Chain, Management and HR, Chinese Professional Communication

A really effective leader to me is someone that walks in with a lot of passion, is organized, and is selfless.
Olivia Asare, bba '24
Marketing, Supply Chain, Operations

I cultivate spaces for people to shine and share out.
Shasparay Irvin, BS '20, MA '23
Arts and Creative Enterprise Leadership

If we want change to happen, sustainability is something that we all have to take an interest in.
Lissy Kettleson, bba '23
Marketing, Supply Chain, Sustainability
I'm really thinking about the next generation and what is going to be in their life and what they can accomplish.
Strategic Human Resources

What I love about the entrepreneurship experience thus far is that there’s no playbook, there’s no formula.
Noah Ricke, bba '23
Finance, Real Estate

You can be a leader without necessarily having that title associated with it.
Simone Blint-Bruni, bba '23
Management and HR, Marketing

I’m pursuing my dream of being a CMO who makes sure everyone’s voice is heard.
Kenzi Jones, bba '22
Marketing, Management and HR

I don't like leaving people out of things or letting people get left behind. Being inclusive is very important to me.
Trystyn Hoffman, bba '26

My experience in Psychological Operations in the Army helped me understand how to connect with people on a grand scale.
James Cox, mba '23
Strategic HR

I'm pursuing consulting to make sure everyone has adequate access to health care.
Chloe Thorpe, bba '24
Supply Chain, Marketing
Mental health is a fundamental pillar to success just as much as any technical skill set or any amount of work you put in.

I want to inspire the next generation to always put ethics first.
Amanda Carlson, phd '23

I want to become a leader at an environmentally conscious company in order to have an impact on a global scale.
Angie Kettleson, bba '23
Management, International Business, Sustainability